At last Lesley and Alistair’s big day came along almost a year after the date it should have been on because of Covid.
The ceremony was at St Mary’s Parish Church in Lanark and then onto Cornhill Castle near Biggar.
It really was such a perfect day from start to finish. Lesley looked amazing in her dress and I loved the colour of the bridesmaids dresses and the wee flower girl.
It was one of the first weddings to have no Covid restrictions and it was so lovley to be at at wedding which felt normal again. What a great day!
I have been a professional photographer since 1995, after studying at the Glasgow College of Building and Printing (now City of Glasgow College). I began working at a press agency before moving on to PR agency in Glasgow. This experience led me to start my own business – Gail Photography. I believe that photography is capturing moments in time that will last a lifetime.